ESTI 2024 - MeVis will be presenting Veolity - its all-in-one solution for CT lung cancer diagnostics. Veolity has been used worldwide for many years in various lung cancer screening programs and for incidental nodule management. Clinicians benefit from AI-based CAD for better nodule detection, volumetric measurements, automated growth assessment, guideline-compliant reporting and an automated workflow that can reduce reading times compared to a PACS viewer.
However, this workflow support does not stop after the medical findings. This MeVis offer is completed by an integrated third-party-solution for the organization of a lung cancer screening program. It enables a professional environment for a successful screening program and covers the following areas:
We look forward to talking to you personally at our booth no. 1!
Parco dei Principi Grand Hotel
Via Gerolamo Frescobaldi, 5
00198 Rome